Get to know me and my content!
Hey there! I'm Morgan (she/her) the artist and maker behind MorMadeArt.
I've been a long time fiber artist having learned crochet when I was 11-13 and then teaching myself knitting at 18, and then it snowballed! I try to keep things light, happy, and whimiscal because we all need a little sunshine every now and then. I like to make mostly crochet plushies, but I am expanding into crochet/knit/woven accessories and stickers/prints as well. I'm also almost always willing to accept custom orders, if interested feel free to reach out. Some of my products you'll find are Christ/faith based because my faith is important to me and I may decline certain custom orders because of this. You can sometimes find me streaming on Twitch while I work on products and market prep stuff and Twitch subs do get an extra 10% discount on products, so if you wanna hang out and get to know me a bit better you can find me here usually Monday-Thursday at 12pm EST.